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Hush Meet

By |2020-03-09T09:40:11+13:00January 24th, 2020|, |

A new, independent office space intended for meetings. Hush Meet is a great alternative to meeting spaces and mini-conference rooms. Modern offices are characterised by dynamicity and ever-changing needs. Instead of building a permanent office, it is better to use mobile solutions. Owing to its structure, Hush Meet easily adapts itself to changing organisational needs [...]

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  • Constant change - Finding Stability in a Constantly changing world-ergostyle-blog

Finding Stability in a Constantly Changing World

By |2021-08-09T10:39:20+12:00August 6th, 2021|Human Resource|

The ongoing global pandemic stopping the whole world in its tracks, headlines of climate disasters, political crises or the ongoing threat of cyber attacks – is shaking up the most stable part of our minds. In a world of constant change, is being completely stable a myth? Then again, what exactly is being stable? However, we can focus on things we can affect to thrive in an environment defined by constant transformation. Including fostering resilience on an individual, communal and organisational level.

Office Acoustics for Noise Reduction

By |2021-05-14T12:15:31+12:00May 7th, 2021|Health, Safety & Wellness, Tips & Advice|

While office space evolves for a mobile workforce's changing needs and companies continue to embrace open-plan office design, recognising the requirement for office acoustics is becoming increasingly critical. The need for ease of communication, privacy and freedom from annoyance determine the acoustic requirements for an office. In particular, they lead to the control of the [...]


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